How can I be a true follower of Jesus Christ at work?

Example – ‘David – Shepherd, Warrior and King’

Dear Friends,

Our next example of a worker is David, who transitioned from Shepherd to Warrior and ultimately to the King of Israel.

As you would have noticed in previous blogs, Shepherding is one of the oldest occupations, and the care of a Shepherd for his flock is a common leadership metaphor in the ancient East. You can read more of this from a piece by Joshua J Van Ee in

We have also seen in previous blogs examples of other biblical characters trained for leadership by first learning to shepherd the flock. Moses has been the most recent example


3D render of the good shepherd taking care of his sheep in a desert oasis

David – Shepherd, Warrior, and King: The Story

We pick up David’s story from the Bible in 1 Samuel Chapter16. David was the youngest of Jesse’s sons and was called from ‘tending’ sheep for his father to be anointed as King of Israel.

The Bible record that from that day, the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. But it was many years later before he sat on the throne as King of Israel!

Before becoming the King, he continued tending sheep for his father. He worked for the reigning King, Saul, as one of his armour-bearers. He was also called upon to play the harp as soothing music to calm the tormenting spirit that was plaguing Saul.

1 Samuel Chapter 17 records the famous story of David versus Goliath. David’s triumph over the giant Philistine with a sling and a stone, without a sword in his hand is an all-time fascinating story. We also caught a glimpse of David’s resume for facing the giant, he has killed both lion and bear when they carried off a sheep from the flock he was looking after. These previous exploits of his gave him confidence that he could also defeat Goliath.

We later read of how David had to flee from Saul because Saul was trying to kill him. David then became a run-away soldier in the wilderness with other miscreants who joined up with him. David had opportunities, twice, to kill Saul who was after his life, but he chose to spare him.

The book of 2 Samuel continues David’s story as Shepherd, Warrior, and King. After many years, and have faced and overcome many troubles, David eventually became king over Israel. David’s waiting period to be King is estimated to be in the region of twenty years. The Bible also recorded his sin with Bathsheba and his subsequent repentance.

Roman legionary watching the valley at sunset after battle day

David – Shepherd, Warrior, and King: The Lesson

Much of what David learnt whilst tending sheep he later applied as a leader of men. Below are few examples of the learning:

We can also learn from David’s personal character and leadership skill in growing from Shepherd, Warrior and King. Few are a repeat of the above but still worth stating:

  1. Humility- he was always humble and did not impose himself on others. He was content in tending the flock of his father.
  2. Patience – he was anointed many years before he sat on the throne. Yet he did not complain as he waited patiently for about twenty years.
  3. Courage – he had confidence in God to deliver him from the lion, the bear, Goliath and from King Saul.
  4. Faithfulness – God delivered him from all his troubles, and he was also faithful to God.
  5. Perseverance – he had to go through many trials to prepare him to rule over Israel, but he never gave up in doing good.
  6. Fear of God – he refused to take the life of Saul who was after him to kill him. He refused to lay his hands on the Lord’s anointed.
  7. Worship – David had a heart of worship demonstrated by the number of Psalms he wrote.

Royal crown with sapphire on black background. Jewelery

David – Shepherd, Warrior and King: Practical Application

We all need the David type of heart and experience for our faith in God to be built up in preparation for the bigger assignment God has for us.

David was described as the man after God’s own heart, not because he did not sin, but because he has a passion to obey God. He grieved over his sin and longed to know God with a deep passion. His characters as described above is what God is looking for in all of us.

The encouragement from David’s story is that we can all grow in our faith in the Lord if we make it our passion to seek Him at all cost. As our faith develops, God will increase our mission field, giving us people to shepherd, battles to fight and eventually when Christ returns, a throne to rule from. Our journey can then be described like David’s – Shepherd, Warrior and King.

As I tend to always remind us, we are all created to rule if we are in Christ. Our time here is to train ourselves up just like David. For further reading on our leadership role please read our previous blog:

Just as David had to wait until Saul was eventually killed. We likewise need to be patient until the ruler of this world, Satan, is dethroned when Jesus returns as the Lord of Lord and King of Kings.

Jesus said in John 10:11 ‘I am the good Shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep’. Because He is the perfect, sinless, son of God, Jesus is the only man whose death on the cross can redeem us from our sins. He already did and all we need to do is accept his gift of salvation and commit to a life of obedience to Him.

Jesus is our perfect Shepherd, Warrior and King! He is the Good Shepherd who leads us by His Written Word and His Holy Spirit. He is our conquering Warrior who is already victorious over sin, death, and Satan. He is our reigning King and Lord of Lord. Hallelujah!

Let us therefore be encouraged: our good Shepherd, Warrior and King, Jesus, our Lord is coming back soon, then we will all receive our crown of glory and reign with Him in the New Heavens and the New Earth! In the meantime, let us keep pressing in and marching forward in victory in His name.

I hope you have benefited from reading this blog and if so, please share with others. Please also continue to send your feedback and comments to or use the comment box below.

God bless you and let us keep growing in the image of our Lord Jesus Christ


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