Photo of fishermen pulling together

You can get involved in different ways

  • Pray for the Ministry
  • Make contact to encourage us in the work
  • Offer advice, suggestions, and materials to improve the Ministry
  • Volunteer to work in the Ministry (Evangelists, Teachers, Musicians, Web editors, Photographers, Writers, etc)
  • Apply to join the Ministry as one of the Trustees
  • Donate money or intellectual materials to support our work

Becoming a Partner

We are actively looking for individuals and organisations who may want to partner with us in a variety of ways such as:

  • Trustees
  • Regular Donors
  • Authors willing to donate intellectual material for publication
  • Prayer partners
  • Volunteers
  • Advisors, mentors, and other partners

If you would like to partner with us, please fill out the FMM Partnership form and one of our Trustees will get back to you to start the conversation.

Donate to the Charity

  • This is a non-profit organisation and all activities are carried out through generous donations of money, time, and other resources from our supporters.
  • All donations will be used for the stated Charity purpose: The advancement of the Christian religion and the relief of poverty
  • All funds raised from Fishers of Men Publications and other Charity ventures will be solely used for the work of the Charity
  • No member of Trustee is paid from the Charity fund
  • Your donation will help to make the Gospel of the Kingdom of God available to more people.
  • No amount is too little so give now via PayPal and regularly if you can.
Gift aid logo

Please check your eligibility before completing the FMM Gift Aid Form. Also notify us if you:

  1. Want to cancel this declaration
  2. Change your name or home address
  3. No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

Ways to donate:

One-off or regular donation through the Charity bank account

Account details:

Bank name: Natwest

Name: Fishers of Men Ministry

Account Number: 65848616

Sort Code: 60-02-12

Reference ‘Osogbo Church project’.

Please let us know if you are a UK Taxpayer and you want to add Gift Aid to your donation.

The Pastor is a faithful Minister preaching the truth of the word of God. The Church has a passion to reach out to unbelievers in the area. The aim is to help provide a comfortable worship environment for the brethren.

The project is divided into three stages as below with the target completion date of December 2024.

Stage 1 – Roofing completed February 2024 at a cost of £1,597 (2.5 million Nigerian Naira).

Stage 2 – Flooring, Plastering and Burglary Proof

Estimated budget – £2,226 = (4,860,500 Nigerian Naira)

Stage 3 – Doors and finishing.

Estimated budget – To be confirmed

If the Holy Spirit prompts you, please send your contributions to:

Name: Fishers of Men Ministry

Bank name: Natwest

Account Number: 65848616

Sort Code: 60-02-12


Church congregation
Church Building