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The seasonal witness is a relevant conversation to have at this time.
The lifestyle of a Christian should be a witness to believers and unbelievers alike as commanded in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). But we also recognise that there are seasons when the opportunity to witness is much more available.
The Bible reminds us of the subject in Ephesians 5:15-16. ‘15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil’.
Certain principles may help us in seizing the opportunity to be a witness in different seasons:
The opportunities to witness could arise due to events, mostly calamitous, that make people realise that they are not in total control of their lives, that they need supernatural protection, or even a Saviour. Examples could be a pandemic, wars, or natural disasters. Or it could be individual hardships, illness, bereavement, etc.
Opportunities could be presented during annual calendar events such as Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and even Halloween! It could also be through rare events such as the recent Coronation of King Charles III in the United Kingdom.
God, because he loves us so much, causes or allows adverse events to happen for us to realise our need for a saviour. There are many examples in the Bible to prove this, but I cite just a couple.
Ezekiel 18:23 shows that God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that he should turn from his way and live. 2 Peter 3:9 showed that God is patient toward man, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
For unbelievers, a common question is if there is God, why did He allow such and such things to happen?
I had a recent challenge from a man who was heavily under the influence of alcohol. He was antagonistic and aggressive toward the Gospel. His complaint was – if there was a God, he should provide accommodation to the homeless person who was begging for money next to us. I was quite surprised that he could not see his own need for Godly intervention!
On the other hand, many believers have been wrongly taught that they would not face any adversity because they are Christians. Some have lost their faith in God because of a lack of understanding of the truth.
The reality, shown in scripture and demonstrated in the life of contemporary believers, is that faith in God grows in bounds in the valleys, not on mountaintops. Adversity humbles the believer and helps them to be dependent on God rather than depending on the self.
You may read a blog and also listen to a sermon about five surprising reasons that God can allow adversity by Dr. David Jeremiah.
There are Christians who do not celebrate Christmas or Easter and they have sound biblical justification for it. Other believers want to stay well clear of Halloween or other worldly celebrations, and there are more biblical justifications for those!
Others choose to use these calendar opportunities to witness. Including the use of Halloween tracts for evangelism!
My view is not to take any side of the argument. Such issues are not what determines our salvation. Majoring on such minor arguments divides rather than unites the Body of Christ.
My position is that all Christians must:
We have witnessed a few of these in recent times in the United Kingdom! Political upheavals, changes of Prime Ministers, the death of a Queen, and the enthronement of King Charles III. Any of these are opportunities to turn ordinary conversations to the Gospel and faith in God.
The Coronation of King Charles III is the most recent of such events. How many of us recognised and used the opportunities presented?
For believers, the coronation raised issues of:
For unbelievers, it is an opportunity to signpost them to Jesus Christ:
I hope you were able to recognise and use the opportunities presented to you so far. If not, please do not worry. Because you are still alive, God will provide you with more opportunities.
You must however be intentional and vigilant to recognise and use the opportunities. There are earthly and heavenly rewards for your obedience!
Is there a way to do it right? Yes, but there is no rule book as such. Each situation will be unique to you and the person God has brought alongside you to witness.
With regards to basic principles, I learned about using the S.A.L.T acronym as a guide:
In times of adversity, it is of utmost importance to show empathy and be considerate in our witness. On one hand, we need to show the love of God and be compassionate. On the other hand, we do not want people to misunderstand, thinking that all their problems will be over once they accept the Gospel of salvation. A balanced and truthful witness of the Gospel is only available through guidance from the Holy Spirit.
Our previous blog attempted to address that balance Being born again comes with a new life in Christ and every blessing that comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit; the Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7-10) and Fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). But the believer will also face testing, trials, and temptation on the sanctification journey.
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God bless you and let us keep talking and sharing Jesus Christ with the world.
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